Mobile World Congress 2019 LA – Great Opportunities Abound

Today’s kickoff for Mobile World Congress creates a great set of opportunities for all of us. These occasions allow us to get information on how the industry players are creating technologies that are poised to enable new business solutions and to make our day-to-day lives easier. From the standard state-of-the business discussions to the cool new widget, there are hundreds of companies ready to speak to us to entice us with their products.
However, the key phrase here is “to us”. Most companies provide their pitch with the goal of convincing us to answer their sales call next week. The challenge attendees need to solve is “how do we find the real value of this product for my business”? The technologies that these networks and products bring can be helpful in myriad ways to lots of companies, but we need to understand how technology solves business problems. The solutions may address problems encountered by small businesses, or those that apply to large enterprises or vertical markets. It’s not easy to determine if the product being pitched aligns with buyer needs.
KAIROS is excited to be attending MWCLA to meet, listen, and WALK A LOT. Our goal this week is to meet with industry experts and leaders to gain perspectives on technology in order to develop business values and strategies for operators and service providers. KAIROS helps connect the dots between the value of the technology and how that translates into the business value for the end customer. To that end, KAIROS is seeking thought leaders who want to participate and share their perspective on alignment of 5G with business values.
Ashish Jain is eager to hear your perspective this week at #MWCLA!